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Taking Children of All Ages On Imaginative Journeys Through Books
Innovative, inventive, inspiring, entertaining, and engaging books from children’s authors around the world.
Handersen Publishing is a family-owned, independent publisher focused on creating quality books for young readers. Even our logo was created with the handprints of our children. As we expand and take on more authors and illustrators, we are working to become a staple in children’s and young adult books. Each of our books are fast-paced with diverse and relatable characters that find themselves in challenging and entertaining circumstances.
Our independent publishing company is based in Lincoln, Nebraska. We work together with libraries, community events, bookstores and more to bring our authors and illustrators to you across the Midwest.

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Our Happy Readers!
"In her butterfly net of beguiling rhythm and rhyme, Raven Howell captures the sweet, fleeting moments of childhood. Both you and the little gnome in your lap will love it!"

"I have my new-to-chapter-book-readers reading this in our book clubs at school. Word Dragon is the perfect level and it’s engaging. I love this series."

"A great story that empowers girls and shows that their friendship and love for each other can help them overcome obstacles!"

Lisa-Anne L. Tsuruda, 'Iolani School, Honolulu, Hawaii