Handersen Publishing Team
Independent Children's Book Publishers
Who is the Handersen Publishing Team?
Handersen Publishing is a family-owned, independent children’s book publishers focused on creating quality books for young readers. Even our logo was created with the handprints of our children. As we expand and take on more authors and illustrators, we are working to become a staple in children’s and young adult books.
Each of our books are fast-paced with diverse and relatable characters that find themselves in challenging and entertaining circumstances. We also publish, Stinkwaves, a magazine full of short stories, poetry, and artwork for middle grade and young adult readers.
We are based in Lincoln, Nebraska and arrange author and illustrator events across the Midwest.
Owners of the independent children's book publisher, Handersen Publishing
Nichole Hansen CEO/Author/Editor

Tevin Hansen Editor-in-Chief/Author/Illustrator

Tevin Hansen is the multi-award-winning author of more than 20 middle grade books, including Hole in the Wall, Hairytale Adventures, and the Junkyard Adventures series. He enjoys writing fast-paced, humorous books for kids, and also the occasional YA novel. Tevin lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, with his wife, kids, and a collection of cheap guitars.
Handersen Publishing Team Commendations

Alejandra Abarca Rentería & Jeff Hornstein - Translation Editors
Alejandra Abarca Rentería is originally from Michoacán, Mexico. She is a professor of pedagogy. Jeff Hornstein is an English teacher. Jeff and Alejandra reside in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Lewis Baxter - Producer of Special Projects
Lewis Baxter is the curator of special projects for Handersen Publishing. He has been instrumental in expanding our translations department and music catalog.

Cookie Lewis M.S.L.S - Distributor
Cookie Lewis is the West coast distributor for Handersen Publishing.

Torin Hansen - Honorary President
The "Gentle Giant" left us on Daylight Savings Day, March 13th, 2016. He will forever be in our hearts and memories. You were (and still are) my biggest inspiration. Instant smiles when I think about you, Bossman. --Tevin My brother-in-law was a true model of greatness with his glowing smile and endless kindness. My world is infinitely better for having known him, as are my bowling skills. --Nichole